Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): The Global Unconscious: art, technology, science
Featuring articles in the traditions of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, this issue of Inscriptions interrogates approaches to the term unconscious in contexts such as petroleum-driven culture, the 9/11 memorial in New York, the relation between art and society on the work of Bjarne Melgaard, and our current era of a global internet and social media culture. We also feature art by Stefan Chazbijewicz, a filmmaker, poet and visual artist based in Poland, who seeks to establish a mystic space of what he refers to as “salvaged reality” in his work.
Cover-image: “rouge essentialles,” oil on handmade paper, by Stefan Chazbijewicz (c) August 2017. On exhibition by Glaza Art Gallery, Gdańsk, Poland. Used by permission.