Inscriptions 6, no. 2 is out

Posted on 1 Sep 2023.
Inscriptions 6, no. 2 cover
Inscriptions 6, no. 2 cover.

In the work of Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin we find two distinct approaches to critique. To Adorno a negative dialectic provided the limit of what it was possible to imagine in our time; for Benjamin social critique was animated by a messianic moment to come. The most recent issue of Inscriptions features prominently essays that relate to each of these social philosophers: Anda Pleniceanu, in her essay “Carving out the absence within,” draws on Adorno to suggest a novel apporach to philosophical concept-building while Georgios Tsagdis profoundly investigates Giorgio Agamben’s idea of “form-of-life” as a kind of messianism. Read the editorial that discusses these and other contribution to our latest issue: (open access).

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About Torgeir Fjeld
Writer, publisher, and educational administrator, holding PhDs in Philosophy (EGS, 2017) and Cultural Theory (Roehampton, 2012). Latest publications include Introducing Ereignis: Philosophy, Technology, Way of Life (2022) and Rock Philosophy (2019) and articles in Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, International Journal of Žižek Studies, and others. Presently serving as Head of Ereignis Center for Philosophy and the Arts, Publisher at Tankebanen forlag, and Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal Inscriptions. Fjeld has taught at universities across North America, Europe, and Africa. Here is section dedicated to poetry in translation. This page has a cookie policy.